Thursday, March 6, 2008

H Weir Cook

H Weir Cook
An organized group is working towards "RESTORING" the honor & name back up at the Indianapolis International Airport
An honor that was given to H Weir Cook years ago after loosing his life in war during WWII. That honor was the naming the Indianapolis Airport to Weir Cook Municipal Airport. In July, 1976 that named was "yanked" away.
My question in my head is "How Do We Give An Honor & Then Take It Away as if it was as easy as changing a light bulb in a sign"?
Our group is asking the Indianapolis International Airport board to "RESTORE" Weir Cooks name back up at the airport. Either with a full name change or to name the new terminal after him. In my blog I will share the feelings of the people during the time in 1979. I will show how the name was yanked away that made peoples hearts fill with anger.
I know many do not know the name H. Weir Cook now due to the changes in our society. When I started this project I too was one of those. While growing up history was not on my mind as was getting out in the real world & making it. History in school was not always put in such away to make you dream or feel the moment only more study if that makes any sense? I guess it's just part of growing up when HISTORY sets in. History finds us when we least expect it. Like when you see your family & or friends enlist in the Military all for the love of our country & protecting our rights, or you get involved in researching family history & find your self tracing it back in time and not wanting to stop finding out more.
We are not talking of a corporate name this is a name that represents a true hero of our American history.
If the name is ever going to be restored it is "NOW" due to the airport building "the new airport".
The Weir Cook Project was started in 2000 when I had just found out who H Weir Cook was. Once I found out what Cook represented to our Sate, Country & Aviation I couldn't believe their was nothing out on the Internet of this famed man. No memorials (not counting as a memorial a plaque & portrait at the airport because it was in a darken hall in baggage) a forgotten soldier who deserved so much more.
Finding out about him: The first thing I found out about Col. Cook was by locals. Where they told me about a very dedicated soldier from my hometown. Wanting to learn more about this hometown hero I turned to the computer. I found the computer to have one picture & a brief description that I had already been told about. I did learn that the airport was named for him but was gone in 1979. I still feel today that if that name was still there allot of us would have asked someone allot earlier in our life "Who was Weir Cook"! I feel they have done the citizens of at least Indiana wrong by taking this name away & putting him in baggage!
In the up coming blogs I will show why it's so important for restoring this honor back to this soldier.
Our fight is for the memory of all the forgotten soldiers out their living or who have passed!
Dare To Do What Others only Dream Of is the words I read on H Weir Cooks portrait at the airport. These words have stuck with me for years since seeing them & when looking back is how I live.
You can still be counted if you'd like to send a letter showing support for our cause.

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